Calcus, Editor Helsinki, Mediaplanet, Presser


Few companies can claim to be a sovereign professional in content marketing texts. Commia can. Mia Heiskanen has an amazing, more than ten years of experience in content production for Calcus, Editor Helsinki, Mediaplanet and Presser publications in Finnish and English. It doesn’t matter what the industry, product, or service is, because Mia has the ability to crystallize the essential in a way that engages, hooks, and leads to action. You can check out individual stories within the Commia news feed!
Mia has produced hundreds of content marketing texts and articles for companies in Finnish and English for the thematic appendices of the following magazines: HS Monthly Supplement, Kauppalehti, Talouselämä, Arvopaperi, Iltasanomat, Nordic Business Report (published at the Nordic Business Forum), Blue Wings, N Norwegian, Handelsblatt, Dagens Industri, Gloria Food and wine, ET magazine, Me Naiset and Kodin Kuvalehti.