Blog content Ghostwriting

New ALD Automotive blog post has been published

The new blog post (in finnish), produced by Commia’s ghostwriting service, has been published online on ALD Automotive’s website.

Electric cars and charging solutions – what should a company consider in their car policy?

As the number of fully electric and hybrid cars grows, companies will have to think about how to compensate for charging costs in their car policy. And what should generally be taken into account in the company’s car policy on electric cars and charging?

We collaborate a lot with companies on car policies, and at the moment, almost all of our customers’ questions are about electric cars and their charging solutions. ALD does offer companies a car policy workshop as a consulting service, which is worth considering if the company does not have a car policy or if they want to update their current one for today’s needs. As a result of the workshop, we will bring it up to date together – taking electric cars into account. Updating will also lead to achieving good results in job satisfaction, responsibility regarding company cars, and the employer’s image. Continue reading the blog post online on ALD’s website!

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